Using the causalimpact package in R to estimate the counterfactual event and thereby, quantify the impact of an event.
All in data science
Using the causalimpact package in R to estimate the counterfactual event and thereby, quantify the impact of an event.
Tidyquery: Query DataFrames With SQL Syntax Inside R Programming with an example containing dplyr mutate.
Use data transformation techniques on a sample e-commerce product level dataset to prepare for time series forecasts
Using the modeltime r package to quickly build multiple time series forecasts on Google Analytics data
R ggforce package - Use geom_mark_hull to mark an area in geom_point
Blog post uses pyramid_chart function to create a pyramid chart with age and gender data from Google Analytics API
Blog post looks at using the DataExplorer R package for quick exploratory data analysis [EDA] in R Studio
Apriori algorithm: Market Basket Analysis Lift visualization in R programming + interactive chart via Plotly + Shiny
Apriori algorithm: Market Basket Analysis Lift visualization in R programming + interactive chart via Plotly
Use ggcorrplot - to create a correlation plot in R programming using Google Analytics data
Blog post uses gl_translate function in R programming > googleLanguageR package to run translations covered under Language Translation API.
Blog post looks at using the channelattribution package in R to run a Markov model on MCF dataset from Google Analytics for attribution modeling.
Blog post looks at ‘nstart’ value in the k means function within R and how it determines the number of attempts at optimization.
Blog post uses an example of scale() function to explain how it functions and why it’s an important step before calculating distance matrix calculations in R programming - for K means clustering
Blog post uses googleAnalyticsR, Tidyverse and Factoextra packages to conduct k means clustering exercise within R programming
Blog post looks at creating a basic gganimate gif in ggplot / R programming using Google Analytics data
Blog post looks at extracting entity.type from Natural Language API in Google Cloud Platform
Blog post looks at using Python Google Cloud Platform Video Intelligence API to return object tracking details from a bucket containing multiple videos.