How To Extract Entity Type In Natural Language API - Google Cloud Platform

How To Extract Entity Type In Natural Language API - Google Cloud Platform

In the first blog post that used Alicia William’s script on Entity/Sentiment analysis using Apps script + NL API, it covered how to associate sentiment with the entity. However, what if you wanted to extract the entity type as well? Example here:

Extracting entity type in google natural language api google cloud platform.JPG

The original post has the instructions for the full setup. There are only two changes that you need to do.

Line 45 of the code, you create a column name called ‘Entity type’

  var esHeader = [['Review ID','Entity','Entity type', 'Salience','Sentiment Score','Sentiment Magnitude','Number of mentions']];

And in line 75, call the entity.type function as part of the API request.

var row = [reviewId,, entity.type, entity.salience, entity.sentiment.score, entity.sentiment.magnitude, entity.mentions.length

That’s it. If you follow the instructions mentioned in the original post + this script, you should see Entity type values getting populated. Link to first post on Entity/Sentiment analysis in Natural Language API.

/** * Performs entity sentiment analysis on english text data in a sheet using Cloud Natural Language ( */ var COLUMN_NAME = { COMMENTS: 'comments', LANGUAGE: 'language_detected', TRANSLATION: 'comments_english', ENTITY: 'entity_sentiment', ID: 'id' }; /** * Creates a ML Tools menu in Google Spreadsheets. */ function onOpen() { SpreadsheetApp.getUi() .createMenu('ML Tools') .addItem('Mark Entities and Sentiment', 'markEntitySentiment') .addToUi(); }; /** * For each row in the reviewData sheet with a value in "comments" field, * will run the retrieveEntitySentiment function * and copy results into the entitySentiment sheet. */ function markEntitySentiment() { // set variables for reviewData sheet var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName('reviewData'); var rows = dataSheet.getDataRange(); var numRows = rows.getNumRows(); var values = rows.getValues(); var headerRow = values[0]; // checks to see if entitySentiment sheet is present; if not, creates new sheet and sets header row var entitySheet = ss.getSheetByName('entitySentiment'); if (entitySheet == null) { ss.insertSheet('entitySentiment'); var entitySheet = ss.getSheetByName('entitySentiment'); var esHeaderRange = entitySheet.getRange(1,1,1,6); var esHeader = [['Review ID','Entity','Entity type', 'Salience','Sentiment Score','Sentiment Magnitude','Number of mentions']]; esHeaderRange.setValues(esHeader); }; // find the column index for comments, language_detected, comments_english var commentsColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.COMMENTS); var languageColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.LANGUAGE); var translationColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.TRANSLATION); var entityColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.ENTITY); var idColumnIdx = headerRow.indexOf(COLUMN_NAME.ID); if (entityColumnIdx == -1) { Browser.msgBox("Error: Could not find the column named " + COLUMN_NAME.ENTITY + ". Please create an empty column with header \"entity_sentiment\" on the reviewData tab."); return; // bail }; ss.toast("Analyzing entities and sentiment..."); // Process each row for (var i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { var value = values[i]; var commentEnCellVal = value[translationColumnIdx]; var entityCellVal = value[entityColumnIdx]; var reviewId = value[idColumnIdx]; // Call retrieveEntitySentiment function for each row that has comments and also an empty entity_sentiment cell if(commentEnCellVal && !entityCellVal) { var nlData = retrieveEntitySentiment(commentEnCellVal); // Paste each entity and sentiment score into entitySentiment sheet var newValues = [] for each (var entity in nlData.entities) { var row = [reviewId,, entity.type, entity.salience, entity.sentiment.score, entity.sentiment.magnitude, entity.mentions.length ]; newValues.push(row); } if(newValues.length) { entitySheet.getRange(entitySheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1, newValues.length, newValues[0].length).setValues(newValues); } // Paste "complete" into entity_sentiment column to denote completion of NL API call dataSheet.getRange(i+1, entityColumnIdx+1).setValue("complete"); } } }; /** * Calls the NL API with a string * @param line The line of string * @return the entities and related sentiment present in the string. */ function retrieveEntitySentiment (line) { var apiKey = "your-api-key"; var apiEndpoint = '' + apiKey; // Create our json request, w/ text, language, type & encoding var nlData = { document: { language: 'en-us', type: 'PLAIN_TEXT', content: line }, encodingType: 'UTF8' }; // Package all of the options and the data together for the call var nlOptions = { method : 'post', contentType: 'application/json', payload : JSON.stringify(nlData) }; // And make the call var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiEndpoint, nlOptions); return JSON.parse(response); };

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