Create a basic behaviour flow chart using Sankey diagram with Google Analytics Channel and landing page data.
Create a basic behaviour flow chart using Sankey diagram with Google Analytics Channel and landing page data.
Code uses ggplot to visualize change + mutate function to create a calculated field [% change in sessions]
Google Ads reports lumps Broad match modifier keywords as Broad match. This means that you’re report download will have only three match types, Broad / Phrase / Exact. Downloading your kw to Excel, you can add this classification and use a a search for special char(34) to return four match types instead of just three.
Blog post covers exploratory data analysis function in R studio to provide summary metrics on Google Analytics data.
Learn how to use Google Sheets to only show YouTube metrics for content uploaded during report month. Technique uses Google Sheets + Filters in Data Studio to achieve this.
Use Supmetrics data connector in conjunction with Google DataStudio to create an always-on reporting template for your Facebook page.
Some sample queries to get you playing around with Google Analytics merchandise store in BigQuery. Queries use Standard SQL format to answer some GA questions
Post uses GTM discussion thread to explain how to capture external hostname of a link click
Learn how to connect multiple Google Analytics accounts to R Studio for the googleanalyticsR package. Uses a variation of ga_auth() command to save tokens that can be called back later.
Learn how to use Regex Match and CASE function to create conditional custom fields in Google Data Studio
Learn how to manage the key steps in connecting Google AdWords to Google Analytics, including importing conversions into Google AdWords.
Comparing data visualizations - bar chart vs area chart to emphasize on reduction in cost per engagement based on promotion duration for Facebook Ads.
Post uses Dartistics code on using dynamic Google Analytics segments to pull data into R. Used RegEx condition for the GA segment definition and tried creating a geom_col() out of it.