Use IMPORTHTML in Google Sheets + Google Analytics data to know website users per million city population

Use IMPORTHTML in Google Sheets + Google Analytics data to know website users per million city population

I got this idea from watching MeasureSchool’s video on BigQuery where the speaker talked about sending external population type data as a custom dimension to Google Analytics.

In this blog post, we’re going to use Google Sheets to send details about a city’s population and find out Google Analytics traffic [users] per 1 M city population. The main aspects of pulling this info are:

  1. Use Google Sheets GA plug-in to run a report by cities [in this example, I’ve used US cities]. This is quite straightforward if you’re familiar with the plug-in.

  2. Using IMPORTHTML formula in Google Sheets to pull the population information on key cities of US.

  3. Finding a way to clean the data and then match the data, connecting the population and web traffic numbers by city.

  4. Creating a Data Studio map chart type with a calculated metric to show Users Per 1M population to make comparisons between cities fairer.

Let’s go!

1. Google Analytics Google Sheets: Let’s skip this one. There' are lots of videos on basic features of a Google Analytics Google Sheets add-on. We will download Users as a metric along with city, country as dimensions with segment country ==United States.

2. Using IMPORTHTML in Google Sheets: Well, this is a pretty handy formula. The syntax is pretty much (link to page that contains the data, table/list depending on how data exists, index number to retrieve the data). In this case, it’s from Wiki page on cities of US, index 5 [it’s a bit of trial and error as there are smaller tables on the page]

=IMPORTHTML("","table",5). All you need to do is open a new tab in the same sheet where you have Google Analytics report. You need to enter this formula in just one cell and it will automatically populate all columns/rows. No need to drag across.

Sample download using IMPORTHTML

Sample download using IMPORTHTML

3. Cleaning up the data: So, many of the city names came out with asterisks and [char within parentheses]. Link to the Google Sheet.

In order to counter this, let’s add a new column B here: City Clean in order to remove the asterisks. This runs on the below formula:

=if(left(D2,1)="*", mid(D2,2,find("*",D2,2)-2),D2)

How does this formula work? It’s a nested formula using IF condition.

> IF the first character from LEFT formula for cell D2 [which has the city name from Wiki] is a *,

> THEN use MID formula for D2 where start extracting the text from position 2

> In order to know when to stop [Find the second * so that the city name is between the first and second ], use FIND function to find * starting from second character and then subtract 2 positions to know how long should the MID function run till.

> IF the above condition is met, it runs that formula, otherwise, it just picks the value in D2 and shows in B2.

Note: About 10 rows of data had “City name [x]”. I cheated and just manually pasted those ones.

Ok, now to get the traffic numbers in the Wiki Google sheet.

=iferror(index('ImportHTML - example'!C:C,match(B2,'ImportHTML - example'!B:B,0),0, index('ImportHTML - example'!C:C,match(B2,'ImportHTML - example'!B:B,0))))

What does this formula do? It runs an Index /Match to pull the website traffic numbers from the Google Analytics sheet. It looks long because it’s wrapped inside an IFERROR formula - which helps to remove “NA” values when the city is not found.

So, if city is not found, return a 0 , ELSE, find the traffic numbers.

Index MAtch Google analytics google sheet.JPG

4. Visualize in Google Data Studio: You can now connect your Google Sheet to Data Studio, create a calculated field where you find out the users per 1 M city population and use it in your Google Maps chart type.

Google Data Studio users per million population.JPG

Google Data Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.

That’s about it. Hope you found this post helpful.

Here’s a link to another post that uses Google Sheets Geocode add-on to get lat/longs of addresses and create a Google map chart type in Google Data Studio.

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