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Google Cloud Video Intelligence API - Object Tracking in Python Example [Multiple Videos]

Ok, so last week, I had covered how use the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API in Python to run object tracking on a single video.

This is an extension of that post to cover multiple videos in a bucket within GCS.

input_uri field from the API documentation:

Input video location. Currently, only Cloud Storage URIs are supported. URIs must be specified in the following format: gs://bucket- id/object-id (other URI formats return [google.rpc.Code.INVA LID_ARGUMENT][google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT]). To identify multiple videos, a video URI may include wildcards in the object-id. Supported wildcards: ’*’ to match 0 or more characters; ‘?’ to match 1 character.

Both videos are in the same bucket: video_intel3

As I got the wildcard parameter wrong, the google people at Stackoverflow corrected the input_uri field and it worked:

gcs_uri = 'gs://video_intel3/*.*'

Once you run the below Py script, you should find the response.json file in the same bucket in GCS.

Converted the response.JSON to an Excel file and checked the input_uri field. It does show 2 videos there. Therefore, the script works!

See this content in the original post